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Roboarm is a gear published to the marketplace by Roblox on September 18, 2010.


When used, the user's right arm will be detached from the torso playing a drill sound, the Roboarm priming itself for launching in a desired direction. The Roboarm will then fire in that direction, emitting Smoke light iconSmoke dark iconSmoke and Fire light iconFire dark iconFire. If the projectile collides with any Tool light iconTool dark iconTool, even one that another player is holding, it will take it and teleport back to the player. Otherwise, after a few seconds, the Roboarm will return to the user. It reloads every two seconds once returning.



Name File ID Description
flamestream 32791582 Plays when shot out
roboDrill 35275806 Plays when activated


Name Photo ID Description
RoboArmRender Roboarm-icon 35231485 Icon
RoboArm Roboarm-mesh 35231406 Mesh
RoboArmTx Roboarm-meshtexture 35231444 Mesh texture


LocationAvailable fromAvailable until
MarketplaceThis item can be purchased in the Marketplace.September 18, 2010Still Available