Roblox Wiki
Roblox Wiki

Chat is a communication feature in many multiplayer games, including Roblox. There are two types of chat: Normal Chat and Safe Chat (disabled). These features allow the player to chat with other players and friends on the game.


Current design of the chatbox in-game.

Guests are the only players who cannot use chat (due to the removal of Safe Chat).

Custom Chat

In late 2016, Roblox reduced the Core Scripts relating to the Chat Window to level 2. This allows game creators to create custom chat windows and make modifications. Although this does open the opportunity for inappropriate messages to be sent, Roblox demands that creators use Chat:FilterString for system messages and anything extra, or else the game will go under review. On a positive note, this allows game creators to make the chat window better match their games.

Normal Chat

Since 2013, the Safe Chat menu is disabled, removing the ability to chat from Guests. However, players whose age is under 13 years gain the ability to chat only with words marked on the Whitelist. Words not marked on the Whitelist are replaced with hashes (#). Players whose age is 13 years or over can use any word, except the ones in the Blacklist. Any explicit word marked in the Blacklist was replaced by "[Content Deleted]". To prevent this from happening, players censor their words by placing several spaces in their vulgar word or even make it look like one. This was changed again to a hash (#).

Chat Colors

As soon as you sign up, or change your username, you get assigned a chat color. You cannot change it in any way right now. Despite popular belief, the chat color is not random, but it is selected based on a mathematical equation, which is worked out by the length of the name and the different letters in the name. Teams have their own chat color depending on the color of the team.

Lua error in Dev:Delimited tag at line 17: No tag text provided.?. Lua error in Dev:Delimited tag at line 17: No tag text provided.?. And data can be received from that script by using:

Lua error in Dev:Delimited tag at line 17: No tag text provided.?.

Sample Color Script

For instance, here's our voluntary Acebatonfan.

Lua error in Dev:Delimited tag at line 17: No tag text provided.?. Lua error in Dev:Delimited tag at line 17: No tag text provided.?. Lua error in Dev:Delimited tag at line 17: No tag text provided.?. That script will retrieve Acebatonfan's chat color, and then after print it. (Which is 0.152941, 0.27451, 0.176471, which converts to 39, 70, 45)\


For other types of spam, refer to the Spam article. This is about in-game chat's filtering of same spam.

By default, the chat blocks additional comments by blocking the user from creating more messages within a brief period. The cooldown ranges from 5 to 30 seconds, depending on the severity of the same spam.


The chat message that appears when a player repeatedly keeps saying something on a brief period.

Safe Chat

Safe chat {Safe Chat Icon} was a chat mode that prevented players (usually under-13s) from typing custom messages and numbers into the chat bar for safety reasons, such as to prevent said users from typing expletives and/or profanity. These users were, however, allowed to chat using pre-programmed messages, yet could not type their own messages. Guests always had Supersafe Chat on, unless it was changed by an exploit. Although you can't access Supersafe chat via Safe chat, it can still be used by users that have custom chat. However you can no longer use the command as the command (/sc) was removed in 2014.
