Roblox Wiki
Roblox Wiki
This article is about a ROBLOX feature that is no longer available.


Fog was added to ROBLOX on December 9, 2011. It is supposed to be just like fog in reality, and the color and distance of the fog can be modified by the Lighting light iconLighting dark iconLighting service. It can be used to make games more realistic and atmospheric.

On January 7, 2015, fog was added for players with their graphics quality set to 7. It was heavily criticized, one reason being that official fog had 'ruined' scripted fog. Many players on the forum have asked ROBLOX to add a feature to make fog optional instead of mandatory. Instead, as a response to the protests, ROBLOX removed the feature.

About fog

To remain compatible with older graphics cards that use a fixed-function rendering pipeline, ROBLOX’s fog uses linear interpolation between FogStart and FogEnd. ROBLOX is using GL_LINEAR.

What the properties do

FogColor - The color of the fog. It should be left alone, or changed to the color of the skybox.

FogEnd - The point where the fog cannot be seen past

FogStart - The point where the fog is first visible

To have no fog, FogEnd should be kept at the default number, which is 100000.

Use in exploiting

Fog is often associated with exploiting, in which an exploiter will drastically increase the game's fog level so that players cannot see very far. They may also make the fog black.

Enabling fog

Enabling fog is extremely easy.

  1. Open your place in ROBLOX Studio.
  2. Select the Lighting light iconLighting dark iconLighting service in the Explorer Pane
  3. Adjust the fog properties (there are 3 – to see something all you need to do is set FogEnd to 100. Now you have a ton of fog).


  • Fog on ROBLOX will look better if you have the sky the same color as the fog itself.
  • You can also adjust the fog start.
  • Fog can make your place an adventure, especially in first person.
  • Fog can make your place seem like night (solid black fog).