Roblox Wiki
Roblox Wiki


FANDOM & wiki guidelines
Assume good faith
No profanity
No mini-modding
Dispute resolution
No Pointsgaming
(Last updated on 2018-01-21 19:37 UTC.)

All users must follow the global and local community guidelines

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All users must adhere to global user conduct and FANDOM Community Guidelines in addition to our wiki's local conduct policies.

In particular, users are not to:

  • Harass other editors, nor brazenly disparage Roblox players on this wiki;
  • Intentionally deface content on our wiki, including other's user pages;
  • Post content containing any profanities or crude language;
  • Post or transmit any content that is obscene, pornographic, abusive, offensive, profane, or otherwise violates any law or right of any third party, or content that contains homophobia, ethnic slurs, religious intolerance, or encourages criminal conduct;
  • Attempt to impersonate another editor or Roblox player;
  • Utilize multiple accounts in a manner to evade an existing block, to manipulate community impression or support of an idea, or to deceive or mislead other editors;
  • Post, upload, transmit, share, or store unsolicited or unauthorized advertising, solicitations, "spam", or any other type of unauthorized solicitation into articles or in excess (such as to your website, YouTube channel, or Roblox game).

Users who violate (or attempt to violate) these global or local conduct guidelines are subject to punitive measures defined in our block policy. Extreme violations of FANDOM's Terms of Use may be reported to FANDOM staff.

Assume good faith

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Editors should assume good faith on all edits. Assuming good faith means that you automatically assume that an editor's intentions on editing are good. They want to help the wiki, even if they are doing things that might not be correct. Don't label something as vandalism, unless there is a malicious intent behind it. If an edit needs to be undone, do so kindly and explain why it is being undone; don't say "this edit sucks"

Profanities are not to be used on our wiki

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As stated above in the guidelines, users are not to post content containing any profanities or crude language nor post about inappropriate topics. This wiki is intended to be read by children, teens, and adults alike and as such we ask that our users refrain from using such language.

Mild profanity such as "damn" and "hell" is discouraged, but will be tolerated if used in moderation. If in doubt about what constitutes "mild profanity," do not use the word.

Users who violate this policy may be issued a warning for their first offense (at administrator discretion); however, this will be forgone if this first offense is laced with excessive profanity or if the offense infringes on any other policy, in which case a block may be deemed more appropriate. Further offenses is grounds for a block.

Profanity in an encyclopedic context

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Profanity may only be used in very rare encyclopedic contexts. If you believe an article may benefit with an addition that may otherwise be deemed inappropriate, please contact a wiki administrator for assistance.

Mini-modding is prohibited

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Mini modding is when a normal editor takes it upon him or herself to act like a wiki staff member. They may "warn" other editors about stuff they are doing being against the rules, threaten other editors that they will report them to an administrator, or act like they have authority on the wiki. Though we understand that you want to help or let other editors know they are breaking the rules, mini-modding is not allowed.

If you find another editor breaking the rules, please report it to an administrator.

Disputes are to be resolved by consensus

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The preferred way to make decisions on this wiki is through consensus. This applies to content decisions, changes to guidelines and policies, changes to wiki functionality or configuration, and any process consisting in the selection of a course of action among multiple choices. The choice of which decisions to take on this wiki should ultimately be in the hands of the wiki's community. Consensus can be reached in a discussion on the forum, in a talk page, or on a message wall. The discussion can be closed when consensus is reached by a reasonable number of editors.

If two people disagree on what a page should say, do not engage in an edit war. Edit warring is the practice of multiple edits being made on a page because of people disagreeing on what should be on the page. One user often makes an edit, a second editor undoes the first editor's edit, the first editor publishes their edit again, and the cycle continues. The edit war may escalate to vandalism if editors start to purposefully deface articles during the edit war (e.g. blanking the page and writing "STOP UNDOING MY EDITS!"). All editors purposefully engaging in an edit war may be blocked; it does not matter who is "right" about what should be on the page. If there is an editing disagreement, talk to the person on the page's talk page or the editor's message wall. If a compromise cannot be made or an edit war begins to develop, contact an administrator. If a page frequently experiences edit warring, it may be protected so that only administrators can edit the page.

Pointsgaming is prohibited

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The purpose of the achievements system on this wiki is to encourage contributions, reward individuals, and promote community growth. Users who perform massive amounts of edits in order to accumulate points and badges (pointsgaming) may be warned and eventually blocked from the wiki, especially if their edits are harmful.
