Roblox Wiki
Roblox Wiki

The past few months have been difficult for me, and the months that follow are not going to be any different. Before people begin questioning my recent inactivity, I might as well dispel some rumors.

The current economic situation has truly hit home over the past few months. Though my family survived most of this recession, our luck soon ran out, and we were faced with the burdens that millions of Americans have faced over the past four years.

With this, we must uproot ourselves from our current home and go where the economic situation is better. We hope that we would be at our new home by the middle of June, but we might be moving before this goal.

Obviously, I will be busy helping my family prepare for the move, and, because of this, I have to place the ROBLOX wikia on a lower priority. Once I do move into my new house and settle down, hopefully by July, I should be able to be more active in my work.

Do not take this as a good-bye, but a simple "I'll see you soon!".
