Roblox Wiki
Roblox Wiki

It shouldn't be censored because this word could mean something you sit on. Sure, it could be for oders, but they barely use this word. I was just minding my own business playing with my friend and wanted to say this: Nice job kicking butt on the scene dude! :). But it turns up as this - Nice job kicking #### on the scene dude! :). 

I'm not really too happy this is happening. I use this word in real life all the time when I need to sit my butt down or something. Then when I want to say it in Roblox, it just appears as "I need to sit my #### down."

Like seriously, this is just bias man.

The word naked is blocked too. I wanted to say every animal name in RHS (Roblox Highschool) and couldn't because the word naked was blocked in Naked Mole Rat (Being that animal people say is). This also bothers me because I say the phrase "naked eyes" a lot.

Finally nude gets blocked for no reason too, basically the same as naked.

This is also a problem, because some people like to pretend to be pirates and they can't say "Pirate Booty" because of the word booty in it, when it is not a bad word guys. "I have some pirate ##### in the treasure chest!" "Give me my #####, arr!"

This just doesn't make sense guys. Roblox should message CommunitySift about this.

There is even proof that Roblox used "butt" before in the catalog, but what do you get, NO HASHTAGS! Here is proof, go to these links. Try to say butt in the chat and compare it to that towards the items.

If you look at the descriptions you can clearly see the word butt in them. (NO INSPECT)!

Anyways, byeee xD.
